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About us

Kingdom Seekers was founded and organized by Pastor Lawrence and Courtney Harkless based upon Matthew 6:33 in 2009. Birthed out of a desire to obey God’s command for a new,  fresh and bold ministry that would be Christ centered, Spirit led, Kingdom focused and embracive of the now generation. Kingdom Seekers held its first service on January 3, 2010, and was re-launched August 5th, 2018. Kingdom Seekers owns and operates Bible Babies Learning Academy located in Montgomery.


Our church is built on 3 foundational Pillars (A Loving Church, A Giving Church, A Word Church). Kingdom Seekers is a church determined to minister to the whole man (spirit, mind and body). Our church is determined to create change in the lives of people, locally, nationally and internationally. Kingdom Seekers is the perfect church for people who are not!

Mission Statement

We are a Kingdom minded church that is passionate about serving the needs of people while seeking to save souls by sharing the love of Jesus.

Vision Statment

To faithfully teach the word of God and proclaim the "Good News" of Jesus Christ with simplicity and understanding. Also spreading the precepts of faith to the Body of Christ through media, schools, daycares and other outreach ministries.


To draw people to Christ by healing hurts and building dreams in the community around us with hope, innovation, growth and worship, in a attractive and inspirational way.


To train, coach and provide programs and facilities for reproducing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who maximize their lives through triumphant kingdom living.


To serve the needs of people of all ages, races, cultures while openly demonstrating the love and compassion of Christ and reflecting people of His Kingdom. 

MEET our pastor:
Family Photo.jpg
Bishop Lawrence Harkless

Lead Pastor


Lawrence H. Harkless is a man of integrity, valor, vision, love and faith with the mission of empowering the total man through the uncompromising word of God. Pastor Harkless is the Senior  Pastor of  Kingdom Seekers Worship Center of Montgomery. He also President/C.E.O of Lawrence H. Harkless Ministries which is an outreach ministry designed to win the lost and empower   people from all walks of life to live successfully, faithfully and victoriously on a higher spiritual, physical and social level.

Pastor Harkless is an anointed and gifted preacher, leader and teacher, and has been in Ministry since 2001, serving as a Senior Pastor since 2006. He has ministered in conferences, revivals and workshops throughout the United States and was Consecrated Bishop in the Lord's Church in 2018. He is a spiritual son of Steven D. Huntley, Senior Pastor of True Divine Baptist Church, Montgomery, AL.

Bishop Harkless is married to his partner in ministry Lady Courtney since 2000 and is the father of 5 children,  Lawrence II, Lauryn (deceased), Lucas, Logan and Zoe.

Kingdom Seekers was founded and organized by Pastor Lawrence and Courtney Harkless based upon Matthew 6:33 in 2009. Birthed out of a desire to obey God’s command for a new,  fresh and bold ministry that would be Christ centered, Spirit led, Kingdom focused and embracive of the now generation. Kingdom Seekers held its first service on January 3, 2010, and was re-launched August 5th, 2018. Kingdom Seekers owns and operates Bible Babies Learning Academy located in Montgomery.


Our church is built on 3 foundational Pillars (A Loving Church, A Giving Church, A Word Church). Kingdom Seekers is a church determined to minister to the whole man (spirit, mind and body). Our church is determined to create change in the lives of people, locally, nationally and internationally. Kingdom Seekers is the perfect church for people who are not!

Mission Statement

We are a Kingdom minded church that is passionate about serving the needs of people while seeking to save souls by sharing the love of Jesus.

Vision Statement

To faithfully teach the word of God and proclaim the "Good News" of Jesus Christ with simplicity and understanding. Also spreading the precepts of faith to the Body of Christ through media, schools, daycares and other outreach ministries.
To draw people to Christ by healing hurts and building dreams in the community around us with hope, innovation, growth and worship, in an attractive and inspirational way.
To train, coach and provide programs and facilities for reproducing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who maximize their lives through triumphant kingdom living.
To serve the needs of people of all ages, races, cultures while openly demonstrating the love and compassion of Christ and reflecting people of His Kingdom. 

MEET our pastor:
Bishop Lawrence Harkless and Family

Lead Pastor


Lawrence H. Harkless is a man of integrity, valor, vision, love and faith with the mission of empowering the total man through the uncompromising word of God. Bishop Harkless is the Senior Pastor of Kingdom Seekers Worship Center in Montgomery, Alabama.

Bishop Harkless is an anointed and gifted preacher, teacher, and leader, and has been in Ministry since 2001, serving as a Senior Pastor since 2006. He has ministered in conferences, revivals and workshops throughout the United States and was Consecrated Bishop in Historic Apostolic Succession in the Lord's Church by the Master's Circle Christian Fellowship International (MCCFI). Bishop Harkless has previously served MCCFI in the capacity of General Secretary,1st Vice Presiding Bishop, Coadjutor and elevated to the Presiding Bishop in March 2023. He is a spiritual son of Steven D. Huntley, Senior Pastor of True Divine Baptist Church, Montgomery, Alabama.


His goal in ministry is to win the lost and empower people from all walks of life to live successfully, faithfully and victoriously on a higher spiritual, physical and social level. Bishop Harkless is married to his partner in ministry Lady Courtney since 2000 and is the father of 5 amazing children, Lawrence II, Lauryn (deceased), Lucas, Logan and Zoe. 

Kingdom Seekers
Worship Center​

645 Coliseum Blvd

Montgomery, AL 36109

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